Tuesday 2:50 p.m.–3:20 p.m.

Brazil: How we are gaining space with Django

Henrique Pereira

Audience level:



It is not uncommon for important django applications to be developed or used by the American or European universities, however this is not the case of Brazil. It is very common for Brazilian universities to rely on PHP or Java frameworks. This talk aims to show how we are turning Django into a viable solution for the development of software in the academia.


It is not uncommon for important django applications to be developed or used by the American or European universities, however this is not the case of Brazil. It is very common for Brazilian universities to rely on PHP or Java frameworks. This talk aims to show how we are turning Django into a viable solution for the development of software in the academia.

We will present some of the systems we have built using Django at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (one of Brazil's biggest public universities) and how the development of those systems are turning Django into a viable choice for newer systems. We will also present some of the actions we are taking and the cooperation we have with the academia, in order to get more people interest in our cause.