Thursday lightning talks

Thursday lightning talks

Sept. 4, 2014 by Jeff Triplett

Here is today's schedule of lightning talks. If time permits, we might allow a few last minute additions.

Gavin Wahl and Rocky Meza: Form Builder -- Look at what you can do with Widgy and the Tree Model

Russell Keith-Magee: Professional Yak Coiffure; or, Introducing Toga

Dan Watson: Using pgcrypto with Django

Diego Ucha: Multi-level multi-select multi-lingual Solr Facets with Haystack and Django

Sumit Chachra: Using Ansible with Django - few Gotchas / best practices

Damon ciarelli: "Hendrix": a new easier django deployment framework with benefits.

Peter Shafer: Dev + Deployment - a Django / AngularJS story

Justin Myles Holmes: The unsettings project: An effort to change project-wide settings from a globally incorporated single entity to a set of individually injected objects.

Kyle Connors: FormFactor - Django powered Mobile Data Collection.

Jacob Burch: A special announcement

Spillover if time permits

Kevin Daum: Show off tmux and teamocil. Should take 3 min. or less.

Sam Deng: "Responsive Images: A Django Solution

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