Tuesday 1:30 p.m.–2:20 p.m.

How to build things that matter

Dave Merwin

Audience level:



Building software that changes lives is hard work. This talk will focus on three important concepts that you can use to identify problems, solve them, and get feedback on your solutions as soon as possible. The focus will be on why Django matters in this process, and what Django does for you as a creator to speed up this process.



Building software that changes lives is hard work. This talk will focus on three important concepts that you can use to identify problems, solve them, and get feedback on your solutions as soon as possible. The focus will be on why Django matters in this process, and what Django does for you as a creator to speed up this process.

We’ll discuss:

  • Killing Photoshop
  • A streamlined process for building meaningful applications
  • What is a clickable prototype is and how you can use it
  • How do you get good feedback from users
  • How Django Rest Framework can save you time and money


Introduce process diagram

Problem Interviews -

  • Read Running Lean
  • Google Forms

Clickable Prototype

“Nothing about me, without me” - Through the Patient’s Eyes, Salzburg Seminar, Session 356, 1998

  • Kill photoshop
  • Twitter Bootstrap and Django-Bootstrap3
  • Django Templates

Rapid Iteration WITH the user - “If your early adopters don’t want it, who will?”

  • Build user advocates
  • Pair programming with a user
  • Use a feedback app
  • Github
  • Demo Django Feedback
  • Embed Google Forms
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Django Rest Framework is your friend


  • Get to something users can play with as soon as possible
  • Iterate with users
  • Use Django and Django apps to make your life easier