Christopher Clarke

Christopher Clarke

I am a Python developer and avid Django enthusiast based in Trinidad and Tobago where I founded and run a small development shop. I have been hacking on Python for more than 12 years ever since I was introduced to it by my MSCS (University of Kent at Canterbury UK) thesis supervisor. Before I got into programming I was actually an Economist at Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago and also have a post-grad degree in Economics. I enjoy working with and developing open-source tools and I am also a big supporter of open data initiatives. I'm a member of the Django Software Foundation and a Gittip team member. I also enjoy teaching others about open source and promoting the learning of development skills among Caribbean developers. With this goal in mind we've organised a number of work-shops and tutorial sessions


Regulating the Securities Market with Django and Pandas (and how to_excel() may have saved the day)

Wednesday 11:50 a.m.–12:20 p.m. in Galleria