Kate Heddleston

Kate Heddleston

I am a web applications developer from the bay area who builds full-stack web applications. I got my MS in Computer Science (HCI) at Stanford and did my undergrad degree in Communication (HCI). I am active in the community with organizations like Hackbright Academy, PyLadies, and Girl Geek Dinners.

In the past I've spoken at PyCon and RailsConf about a host of different topics, including Building Full-Stack Python Web Applications, Chef: Automating your Web Infrastructure, and Technical Onboarding, Training, and Mentoring.


Technical Onboarding, Training, and Mentoring

Thursday 11:50 a.m.–12:20 p.m. in Ballroom I

Technical Onboarding, Training, and Mentoring

Choose Your Own Django Deployment Adventure

Thursday 11 a.m.–11:50 a.m. in Ballroom I